Diet For Each Blood Group

What is the Blood Type Diet?

The idea is that “one size fits all” diets don’t work, as everyone has specific dietary needs depending on their blood type. There are four blood types, and D’Adamo says that your blood type has an impact on your digestion, so that you’ll respond differently to different foods, and digest and absorb certain foods more efficiently. The upshot is that you’ll lose weight if you stick to those foods that are specifically beneficial for your blood type.

But how did D’Adamo come up with these beneficial foods? He’s based it on history, which is one of the reasons why most nutritionists are unconvinced by this diet. According to D’Adamo, the different blood groups emerged at different times in history, so you should stick to eating and exercising as your blood type’s ancestors did back in the day.

So all you have to do, the theory goes, is find out your blood type by asking your doctor for a test or donating blood, and then follow a specific diet based on that specific blood type, stocking up on beneficial foods and avoiding ones that don’t agree with your genes.

Blood Type Diet Information: What Should Each Blood Type Eat?

People with Blood Group O, the most common blood group, are supposed to stick to a “hunter gatherer” high protein, low carb, meat and fish based diet. You can eat fruit, vegetables, eggs and nuts in moderation, but dairy and carbs like bread, pasta and rice should be avoided. It’s a typical low-carb diet, similar to popular diets like the Atkins. Like the hunter gatherers of the past, lots of vigorous exercise is recommended too.

People with Blood Group A, the second most common blood group, should thrive on a “cultivator” or farmer’s diet, which would be vegetarian based. You’re allowed lots of vegetables and grains, including typical diet no-nos like pasta and rice, but should avoid dairy products and meat. D’Adamo also recommends slower, less vigorous exercises such as yoga and walking as best for Blood Group As.

People with the more unusual Blood Group B are probably the luckiest, since they’re allowed a “nomadic”, varied diet, including most foods such as meat, dairy, grains and vegetables – in fact this is the only group that is supposed to thrive on dairy products. You’re still restricted though, as carbs, nuts and seeds should only be eaten in moderation. Group Bs should stick to exercises that keep you alert and interested, like tennis or dancing.

People with blood group AB are called the “enigma” by D’Adamo and should eat a mixture of Group A and Group B foods – so a variety of options including meat, fish and dairy are allowed in moderation but with the emphasis on vegetables. Group ABs should do moderate and varied exercises.